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How do I track message performance?
Holly Groom avatar
Written by Holly Groom
Updated over 10 months ago

You can track the performance of a specific message or group of messages in the Messages Table. To access the Messages Table, click Messages within the Channel menu and then View all your messages.

The Messages Dashboard allows you to understand the overarching performance stats for your broader messaging strategy.

Using the Message Table

The Messages Table lists all your messages and their respective performance, as shown below. You can see:

  • The date it was last updated

  • The title of the message

  • It's status: Live, Draft or Paused

  • The intent of the message: Exit messaging, Data collection, Reassurance, Mobile, Urgency, Discount or Influence

  • The message type: Save the Search, Countdown Timer, Crisis Management, Email Capture, Notification, Nudge, Full Screen, Price Check, In Page Price Check, Inline or Undercut Message,

  • The impressions, impressions per day, clicks, click rate, emails and conversion

  • Depending on the intention of your message type you will also see the following metric, if relevant:

    • Data collection, Cart abandonment, Urgency, Influence: Click rate

    • Reassurance, Informational: Impressions per day

    • Mobile, Discount: Revenue per click

    • Unknown: Impressions per day

You can filter this view to look at specific hotels, message status, message intent or message type, and you can also filter the date range you’re looking at.

Using the Messages Dashboard

The Messages Dashboard shows you key messaging statistics at a glance, along with audience reach, benchmarking and changes to your performance over time.

Key statistics

At the top of the page you can see the percentage of your live messages that have resulted in at least one booking plus your direct revenue driven by On-site Messages.

Additionally, you can also see the number of live messages that have never been seen by a website visitor. Clicking on this will take you through to a view of all the messages that are not currently displayed to anyone. From here you can check if these messages have been set up with contradictory targeting or behaviors that mean they would never be able to display - and you can work to fix that! (Top tip - click through to the ‘Summary’ page for each message to easily see what targeting and behaviour was originally set up).

Property breakdown

You can view how each property is performing based on the total number of impressions, click-through rate, conversions, conversion rate and revenue.

Audience reach

This is an interactive graph showing the distribution of your messaging campaigns and how visitors interact with messages along the path to purchase. As you create new messages (or tackle the number of messages with no impressions) you should see the ‘Viewed’ and ‘Clicked’ numbers increase, and you’ll know that your message strategy is having more impact.


Your message benchmarking table groups all your existing messages by intent, displaying the best in class metric for each category (based on your current live messages). This allows you to view the current performance of, for example, your ‘Reassurance’ messages (such as a cancellation policy or health and safety information) and benchmark that against the most successful message of that type.

Note that when grouped by intent, your messages now have some different and much more relevant performance metrics. It’s unlikely that your aim for a ‘Reassurance’ message is to drive bookings, which is why this kind of informational message is now measured in impressions per day, whereas something like a ‘Discount’ message is measured in revenue per click. Here are the relevant metrics for each message intent:

  • Data collection, Exit messaging, Urgency, Influence: Click rate

  • Reassurance, Informational: Impressions per day

  • Mobile, Discount: Revenue per click

  • Unknown: Impressions per day

This benchmarking table allows you to get a quick sense of whether your different message types are over or under-performing, and you can click through to view all the messages of that type if you need to make improvements or duplicate a high-performing message.

Messages with the best reach

So far we’ve shared lots of new functionality that will allow you to quickly pick up on an underperforming message so you can make changes and improve its impact. This last table lets you monitor the effect that those changes have had.

Your best-performing messages will be listed here, displaying their impressions per day for the past 60 and 30 days, as well as the percentage change in performance. So if you’ve made an edit to a message and the number of impressions has increased, you can clearly report on the impact your update has had.

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