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How are Triptease message types prioritized?
How are Triptease message types prioritized?
Holly Groom avatar
Written by Holly Groom
Updated over 11 months ago

If you've created multiple Messages for your website, there are some prioritization rules in place to ensure that your customer never sees too many messages all at the same time. Flooding a website user's screen with multiple, overlapping messages is not a great experience so we take steps to make sure that doesn't happen.

There are two ways that a message can be prioritized: By its targeting specifications or by message type. You can find out all about message targeting prioritization here.

In terms of prioritization by message type, Triptease will display one of each type of message if each type of message has been created and the customer viewing the page fits the targeting specifications for those messages.

That said, some messages appear in the same place on the page, so there are times when we have to prioritize by message type to avoid having two different overlapping messages.

Full Screen on Arrival and Exit Messages

Both these message types appear in the center of the screen. If you have both messages set to display on the same page, your Full Screen Message on Arrival will take priority over the Full Screen Exit Message.

Email Capture Messages and Nudge Messages

Both these message types appear in the bottom left hand side of the screen. If you have both messages set to display on the same page, your Email Capture Message will take priority over the Nudge Message.

So if you do have, for example, both a Full Sceen on Arrival and a Full Screen Exit Message live on your website does that mean that the Exit Message will never display? In a word, no.

Each message only displays one time per session - so once your customer has seen the Full Screen on Arrival it won't display again during the current visit to your website. And while your Exit Message won't display on that one page where the Full Screen on Arrival appeared, if the customer moves on to another page where the Exit Message has the potential to display (and if the customer shows the relevant exit intent behavior to trigger the message) then the Exit Message will display to them.

Save the Search Messages (desktop) and Full Screen Exit Messages

Both these message types appear in the centre of the screen. If you have both messages set to display on the same page, your Full Screen Exit Message will take priority over the Save the Search Message.

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