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All CollectionsTargeted MessagesTargeted Messages basics
What triggers each message, where do they appear and how often?
What triggers each message, where do they appear and how often?
Holly Groom avatar
Written by Holly Groom
Updated over 11 months ago

There are eleven message types available in the Triptease Message Manager, from which you can create thousands of different messages for your website. Each one functions in a slightly different way, and is triggered by different activities. Here’s a summary of what behaviour or action triggers each message, and how often they can appear to a potential customer.

Inline Message

Display trigger: When a customer arrives on the marketing website, booking engine or on a specific page.

Display frequency: Displays once per user, per day.

Display location: Embedded in the marketing website, booking engine or confirmation page and its location depends on where the Xpath is located.

Countdown Timer

Display trigger: Either when a customer arrives on the website or on any of the following timed delays: 3 seconds, 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 20 seconds, 30 seconds, 1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes

Display frequency: Once a day

Display location: Any page (except the booking confirmation page) - bottom left on desktop, bottom of the screen on mobile

Full Screen Message on Arrival

Display trigger: When a customer arrives on the website

Display frequency: Once per session

Display location: Any page (except the booking confirmation page) - full screen take over

Email Capture Message

Display trigger: Either when a customer arrives on the website or on any of the following timed delays: 3 seconds, 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 20 seconds, 30 seconds, 1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes

Display frequency: Always shows unless dismissed or submitted

Display location: Any page (except the booking confirmation page) - bottom left

Notification: Searcher

Display trigger: Only appears if the number of searchers in the past 24 hours is above ten

Display frequency: Once a visitor has dismissed a searcher notification they won’t see it again during the same 30 minute visitor session

Display location: Booking engine only - top right

Notification: Booker

Display trigger: Only appears if the number of bookers in the past 24 hours is above three

Display frequency: Once a visitor has dismissed a booker notification they won’t see it again during the same 30 minute visitor session

Display location: Booking engine only - top right

Notification: Location

Display trigger: The customer needs to have been on the website for at least 30 seconds and viewed at least two pages

Display frequency: Once a visitor has dismissed a Location Notification they won’t see it again during the same 30 minute visitor session

Display location: Any page (except booking engine and booking confirmation page)

Nudge Message

Display trigger: Either when a customer arrives on the website or on any of the following timed delays: 3 seconds, 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 20 seconds, 30 seconds, 1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes

Display frequency: Once a day for each Nudge Message

Display location: Any page (except the booking confirmation page) - bottom left on desktop, bottom of the screen on mobile

Full Screen Message on Exit

Display trigger: We monitor for any of the following actions that suggest a visitor is about to leave the website :

  • The visitor moves their cursor to the top of the browser window and off your webpage

  • The visitor is inactive (their cursor doesn’t move) on your website for 60 seconds

  • The visitor starts to press a keyboard shortcut that would close their browser tab

Display frequency: Users will see one Full Screen Message once every seven days

Display location: Any page (except the booking confirmation page) - bottom left on desktop, bottom of the screen on mobile

Price Check Message

Display trigger: Customer runs a search on the booking engine and the hotel is in parity with OTAs or cheaper

Display frequency: For every search

Display location: Booking engine - default location is bottom right but this can be moved (self-service) by the hotelier to suit their website

In Page Price Check Message

Display trigger: Customer runs a search on the booking engine and the hotel is in parity with OTAs or cheaper

Display frequency: For every search

Display location: Embedded in the booking engine

Undercut Message

Display trigger: Customer runs a search on the booking engine and the hotel is being undercut by all OTAs

Display frequency: For every search

Display location: Booking engine - bottom left

Save The Search: Mobile

Display trigger: After a customer has been on your booking engine page via mobile for 10 seconds

Display frequency: Always shows unless dismissed or if the search is shared

Display location: Default location is along the bottom of the screen on mobile (unless there is a live Price Check Message, which would stop a Save the Search Message showing), but can be moved to suit your preference

Save The Search: Desktop

Display trigger: We monitor for any of the following actions that suggest a visitor is about to leave the website :

  • The visitor moves their cursor to the top of the browser window and off your webpage

  • The visitor is inactive (their cursor doesn’t move) on your website for 60 seconds

  • The visitor starts to press a keyboard shortcut that would close their browser tab

Display frequency: Always shows unless dismissed or if the search is shared

Display location: Booking Engine - full screen take over

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